Positano planning FAQ

Planning a trip to Positano, Amalfi Coast, Italy

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Azienda Autonoma di Soggiorno e Turismo Comune di Positano
Via Regina Giovanna 13, Positano
tel. +39-089-875-067

How long does Positano take?

Planning your day:There's nothing to see in Positano other than its pretty ol' self, and nothing to do but hang out and just "be" in Positano, hoping to catch sight of a celebrity.

In other words, unless you're staying the night here, you needn't really get off the bus—though you could hop off, stroll around to snap a few photographs, and catch the next bus that comes along an hour or two later.

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Azienda Autonoma di Soggiorno e Turismo Comune di Positano
Via Regina Giovanna 13, Positano
tel. +39-089-875-067

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