How to get to Selinute

Travel times to get to Selinute
How long it takes to get to Selinute by car. All drive times are relative to Selinute and represent the total time the drive takes. (Map courtesy of Google Maps)

Arriving in Selinute by train, car, and bus

Selinute is 98km (59 miles) southeast of Erice, 90km (54 miles) northwest of Agrigento. The gateway to Selinute is Castelvetrano, a lackluster city about 23km (14 miles) inland from the ruins.

  • Selinute is TKkm (TK miles) TK of TK
  • Selinute is TKkm (TK miles) TK of TK
  • Selinute is TKkm (TK miles) TK of TK
  • Selinute is TKkm (TK miles) TK of TK
  • Selinute is TKkm (TK miles) TK of TK

» Jump down to Castelvetrano/Marinella city layout and transport hubs (train station and bus depot)

How to get to Selinute from TK

  • By car: TK to Selinute. TK hr.
  • By train: TK to Selinute. TK hr.
  • By bus: TK to Selinute. TK hr.

Castelvetrano/Marinella (Selinute) city layout

The gateway to Selinute is Castelvetrano, a lackluster city about 23km (14 miles) inland from the ruins.

The site of Selinute itself is located beside the tourist village of Marinella—essentially just a strip of hotels and restaurants along the beach; it's not even a mile long.

Castelvetrano train station


Castelvetrano bus depot


How to get to the Selinute ruins from Castelvetrano

From Castelvetrano's train station, 6 daily buses (4 on Sunday) make the 20-minute run to Marinella/Selinute, dropping you off across from the site entrance.

These buses are supposed to swing by the train station, but only do so about 70% of the time, so examine the bus schedule posted in the train station. If it will be more than 20-30 minutes before the next run, play it safe by walking out of the station, turning right then left to walk two blocks along Via Vittorio Veneto, then left on main drag Viale Roma, veering left at the fork to continue down Via Frà S. Manonne on a 15-minute walk to Piazza San Giovanni/Via Selinute, where the bus will definately pass (EXCEPT in Sundays, when your best bet is simply to wait at the station. Or take a taxi.)

Purchase tickets on the bus.

(If you arrived in Castelvetrano on an inter-city coach and arrived on Via Marinella, wait for the bus to the ruins across from the "Bar Selinus".)

The last bus back to Castelvetrano is at 8pm Monday to Friday, 2:30pm weekends.

By car, just take Via Marinella out of Castelvetrano, which becomes the SS115, branching left into SS115d.

  • How to get to Castelvetrano by train: There are 13 trains daily (7 Sunday) from Trapani (68–83 min.); 5–7 trains daily (one direct, the others entailing an iffy change at "Alcamo Diramazione" with just a three-minute window to transfer) from Palermo (2 hr. 45 min.).

    • How to get to Castelvetrano by bus: AST (tel. 0924/47-392 in Castelvetrano), which runs 3 daily buses from Trapani (95 min.). Lumia lines (tel. 0922-20-414) makes the same run 4 times Monday to Saturday, none on Sunday. Lumia will also carry you here from Agrigento three times daily (2–2.5 hr.) and lets you off near the hospital on Via Marinella (wait for the bus to the ruins across from the "Bar Selinus"). Salemi (tel. 0923-981-120) has a direct bus from Palermo to Castelvetrano 8 times Monday to Saturday, two on Sunday (2 hr.).

Tips & links


Parco Archeologico di Selinute
Marinella di Selinute
tel. +39-0924-46-277
Open daily 9am–5pm (to 4pm in winter)
Adm: €6

Selinute tourism information:

Hotels in Selinute
Useful links & resources

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Parco Archeologico di Selinute
Marinella di Selinute
tel. +39-0924-46-277
Open daily 9am–5pm (to 4pm in winter)
Adm: €6

Selinute tourism information:

Useful links

Train tix

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